Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sh*t Happens

Ain't no livin' in a perfect world
There ain't no perfect world anyway
Ain't no livin' in a perfect world
But we'll keep on dreamin' of livin' in a perfect world
Keep on dreamin' of livin' in a perfect world
-Huey Lewis &The News

Sooner or later a given customer is going to have problems with their vehicle.  That's the nature of human constructs:  they are imperfect.  Trucks and cars are complex pieces of machinery made up of many parts; nothing can ever be machined or engineered so perfectly that it is impervious to wear, tear, and the breakdown dicated by the third law of thermodynamics.  As time progresses, technology is advancing in complexity and developing more and more fixes to common problems, but order always decays into disorder, and even trucks break down.

Your Truck Merchant knows that one of the most important things to many customers is the assurance that they'll be looked after if and when their used vehicle has difficulties.  Every problem is unique because it occurs to a unique piece of machinery belonging to a unique individual, sold in unique circumstances.  No one solution fits all.  But I'm here to work with customers through these difficulties, just like I was during the sale process.

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