Friday, January 8, 2010

The Final Hour

It has just started pouring rain, possibly more vigorously than I've ever seen here.  The splashes from the raindrops are rising a good 4-5 inches off the asphalt.  You can hear them over the noisy 5pm traffic.  No customers are coming by to look at cars. It's a good time to talk about The Final Hour.

The final hour of the vehicle buying process generally involves a series of steps that begin in the Business Office.  Our Business Manager takes customers through the various financing options, discusses extended warranties, professional paint and undercoating protection, and a number of other possibilities to enhance the vehicle purchase.  Papers are signed, approvals are sought and obtained, and our dealership provides further services to the new customer.

Once the Business Manager has helped the customer finish the final steps with the purchase, the insurance folks at Maxxam Insurance come by to complete the registration and insurance process right here in the showroom.  Our lot staff puts the new license plates onto the new vehicle, and the customer does a final walkaround of their new vehicle.

The final hour is filled with paperwork and discussions about numbers, so your friendly neighbourhood Truck Merchant is extra to the process.  However, I'm standing by to help with anything that comes up along the way.

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