Monday, January 11, 2010

In Which Redemption Is Sought-- And Seen Up Ahead

The last post was kind of like a hair in your pizza:  you'd just like to forget it and move on to the next piece.  BUT WAIT, FAITHFUL READER!  Things are looking up for The Truck Merchant!

The night after the debacle noted previously, I gathered the tattered remnants of my professionalism together and telephoned the justly-irate customer.  I realized that she still had a need for a truck, and there was no sense in her needs remaining unmet simply because I had dropped the ball.  She answered the call. (First Step.)  I offered to bring the truck to her as an olive branch, and she accepted. (Second Step.) I hung up feeling much better:  I was out of the water, but still in the sand. 

(And far better off than Tiger is these days.)

The next day I drove the truck out to Burnaby and met her at a shopping center, where she viewed the truck and test drove it.  I'm glad to say that we're back to the potential to do business, and to move ahead in forming an ongoing customer-Truck Merchant relationship.

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