Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Tragedy Of Unwind

You've seen the stickers: 'Be Kind, Rewind'. 

They even made a horrific video production movie based on that one little saying.

Well, in the Truck Merchant's world, the term of dread is 'unwind'.

No, not the dreamlike pleasure of lying in a netted hammock on a Caribbean beach.  'Unwind' is the term we use when a sale goes backwards and falls apart.  Generally these things happen when a deal is made Subject To Financing, and however diligently our Business Office works to find a solution, the terms and conditions we are able to offer the customer just doesn't meet their needs.

Yup, tears and wailing generally follow.  (Sales Managers can be emotional creatures.  We Truck Merchants remain stoic.  And hug our stuffed animals.)

Anyway, in the month of November two (2) beautiful trucks suffered the horror of having their adoption process by happy new owners unwind.  Both customers loved their new trucks, but based on the numbers, just couldn't keep them in the manner to which they'd become accustomed. (That is, not repossessed.)  Both customers returned their vehicles themselves, and the transactions were decently buried cooperatively with our dealership.  One of the trucks has already found a new home with another happy customer, and the other still has a chance to end up with the customer in question, who is currently working on solving the monetary roadblocks that were encountered.

All's Well That Ends Well, said the bard. But on the rainy Langley nights we still look out the window and sigh for the Deals That Once Were And Never Shall Be Again.

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