Saturday, December 26, 2009

Presents And Presenting

Over the last few days I and my family have greatly enjoyed opening a large number of presents.  There were items of all sorts:  electronics, clothes, toys, books, gift certificates for spas, books, and shopping malls, photographs, games of many kinds, food items, cash, etc.

One of the underacknowledged facts about presents is that some presents are received with excitement, others with ambivalence or even mild distaste.  I'm not aware of any such negative reactions this year in our family groups, but there have been such in the past, and it's not uncommon.  The gift giver and the gift receiver are on different wavelengths, and while the thought counts, the thought was off-base to enough of an extent that the gift wasn't particularly desirable.

That's one of the things that happens while Presenting, in the sales process, too.  There are times that however good the particular vehicle might be, it just isn't the right choice for the customer at the time.  As salespeople our job is to help the customer first with Selection.  There are times we simply don't have the vehicle in stock that the customer might want.  At those times we would love to keep an eye out for the kind of vehicle the need, or even to Locate one (we have a very effective Location service.)  But at that moment our Present, so to speak, isn't grabbing the customer by the heartstrings.  They'd rather have their money than the truck or car in question.  Thus there is no sale, no business to do. 

But the Truck Merchant views these kinds of situations as perfect opportunities to form a relationship.  My goal is to serve that customer with what their needs really are, not just what I'd prefer the need to be.  Thus, I want to help them find a vehicle, even if I'm not the one who will be able to sell it to them.

Sarah Smith of Golder's Green was noteworthy because, among other things, she gave fully to everyone regardless of the potential payoff for her.  I aspire to that for it's own sake.  It's only a bonus that in my understanding that also happens to be the way to long-term success in sales and business.

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