Friday, November 27, 2009

Drive Like An Outlaw

The Harley biker folks are sometimes known as "1 percenters".  My understanding is that this refers to their countercultural status as a tiny rebel group.  Well, that was the idea long ago; in today's era of dentists riding Harleys on the weekend, it is perhaps not quite as apt as it once was.  Anyway, the Harley riders like to be outlaws of a sort.

Another way to drive like an outlaw is this Ford F250 Outlaw.

It's a gorgeous truck, one I have my eye on for a new friend I met recently.

He's a specialist in wireless communications who needs a 4 door diesel truck for his family and trailer.

I emailed my friend about the truck today, but to my horror one of my colleagues is showing the truck to another customer even as we speak.

Yes, it is a disaster.  Unless it doesn't sell.  But how can it not?  It is a great buy and a very unusually lovely vehicle.  I just think that my esteemed colleague should show the proper deference my friend deserves and help his own customer into a different vehicle.

After all, as Al Swearengen says, "You've got to respect a specialist."

* * * * *
UPDATE:  The colleague I mentioned above just sustained a nasty but not serious injury while moving about the showroom.  He is now sporting a sizeable bandage over a sizeable gash on his forehead.  Coincidence?  I don't know, but I do urge everyone to take care not to interfere with The Truck Merchant.  It just isn't good luck.  That's all I'm saying.

1 comment:

  1. Driving... a law... which everyone has to obey at its very first... one must not be outlaw it and its disobeying really creates the disasters and a panic situation may occur.. One must be cool and calm while driving with all the laws..
    used trailers for sale
