Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gone So Long

The radio in the dealership plays JackFM all the time, so we end up hearing Chilliwack pretty regularly.  So it was bitterly ironic when the nagging hunch I had was correct:  the stunning 08 F-350 Harley I was extolling had been sold!

WTFBBQ?!  It had only been on the stock list 9 days, and generally 2-3 of those are taken up with the truck being in the shop getting it's exhaustive safety inspection and any maintenance (oil change & filter, brake pads, etc) it might need.

It's one of the most beautiful trucks I've seen, and I can't even offer it for sale!  Et tu, Brute?  I feel like I've been killed by the only thing I ever loved.  Sorta.

Any-hoo, let this be a lesson to us all:  don't let the sun go down while you are still hunting for a Harley! (Or any of our trucks-- they're out of here faster than a deadbeat dad at a PAC meeting.)  Call or email, put down a deposit, and lock that truck up.  If you don't you can be sure someone else will.  I guess that's the way the Chilli wacks.... or something.

Gone gone gone she's been gone so long,
she's been gone gone gone so long....

Contact Jeff 604-825-8571 or

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