Saturday, May 22, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

6 Weeks

It's about 6 weeks until summer.  The weather is gorgeous already, although it is still springlike, with a refreshing cool quality to the air.  The pressing heat of the summer sun has yet to arrive.  Meteorologists are still adding "chance of showers" to forecasts, I'm sending my girls on outings with hoodies along just in case, our cars still have condensation on the windows in the morning.


Everywhere I go I'm seeing the delightful signs of the season:  gals wearing summery fashions, people bicycling and riding motorcycles, animals out for walks and runs in the park, people eating on patios at home and at restaurants, convertibles on the car lots and on the roads, politicians going to court (wait, that's a year-round thing), and so on.


I don't know if there is a better time of year.  Anticipation of summer and school holidays for my girls, the feeling that the year is still new, the sense of momentum gained while still lots of possibilities.


May has a real good feel.

Friday, May 14, 2010


On May 14, 1998 the final Seinfeld episode was broadcast.  I observe a (very brief) moment of silence.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Plum 350Z

The other afternoon I was zipping along when up ahead I saw this gorgeous plum-coloured 350Z.  I've seen these cars in many colours:  shiny light blue, yellow, silver.  But this is the first time that I understood on a gut level why these cars are so popular.  Somehow the plum added just the touch of class that my particular aesthetic sense desires.  The standard sporty colours make it seem 'light' to me, insufficiently weighty, frivolous.  The plum gave it more heft, and really allowed the gorgeous contours of the body to show to advantage.  At a red light I slowed close to the driver and complimented him on the vehicle.  I felt his wise colour judgment should be reinforced.#